From Two Sprained Ankles to Hyrox Comeback: My Journey Back to Racing

From Two Sprained Ankles to Hyrox Comeback: My Journey Back to Racing

Hi, I’m Bryony! I’ve been competing in athletics since I was nine, and more recently, I’ve dived headfirst into the world of Hyrox. If you’ve never heard of it, think of it as running mixed with functional fitness. It consists of many 1K runs broken up with a series of brutal workouts, from sled pushes to farmer carries. It’s tough, but I love it.

What I don’t love? Spraining both my ankles at the same time.


The Double Ankle Disaster

Yes, you read that right. Not one, but both ankles. One moment, I was doing plyometric drills, the next, I was on the floor after folding like a deck chair. I rolled one ankle, which then (because why not?) took the other one down with it. If there was ever a time to take up a non-weight-bearing sport, that was probably it.

The physical pain was bad enough, but the mental side was even tougher. Running is such a huge part of both Hyrox and athletics for me, and suddenly, I couldn’t even hop without wincing.


The Frustration of Injury

I’d worked so hard leading up to the competition season, and now I was sidelined. When you train consistently, exercise becomes a part of your routine; Not just physically, but mentally too. Losing that felt like losing a big part of my day-to-day life. The frustration was real.


My Recovery

Ankles are a tricky area to rehab since they are too fragile for aggressive treatment but too important to ignore. That’s where TEND came in. It let me target specific sore spots without feeling like I was pummeling my poor ankles into oblivion. Using it before my physio exercises, the focal vibrations helped get blood flow to the area and reduce stiffness, which made a huge difference in my recovery.


Managing the ‘Niggles’ Before They Become Injuries

Once you’ve had an injury, you realize how important prehab is and it's role in stopping small issues before they turn into full-blown problems. Now, I have an evening routine to stay on top of tight spots. For me, that means focusing on my hamstrings and hip flexors, which tend to get tight from all the running. TEND helps me keep things in check so I don’t end up sidelined again.


What Else Worked (And What Didn’t)

Recovery is a lot of trial and error. Some things helped: Using bands for mobility work, seeing a physio, and getting creative with alternative workouts (hello, SkiErg). Other things? Not so much. Let’s just say trying to will my ankles to heal faster didn’t do much.


Back to Training, and Back to Competing!

Luckily, my ankles healed up, and I got back to doing what I love. I’ve got a few big Hyrox competitions coming up, including Glasgow, Malaga, and Brussels. My goal? To hit that one-hour mark in an individual race. I’ve done it before in a pair with my sister, but I want to prove to myself I can do it solo.

Injuries are frustrating, but they don’t have to derail your training completely. If you’re dealing with your own setbacks, find what works for you, stay patient, and take care of the small stuff before it becomes a bigger issue.

And, if you do manage to sprain both ankles at once... At least you’ll have a good story to tell.

Check Out the podcast I did with Will the Founder of TEND - HERE

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